
My Story

Hi there! My name is Neha, First of all, I would thank you for your visit and your interest to know about me. I was born in a small town in Punjab, India, I was fond of Art and Craft since my youth.

How it all began


Subsequent to moving to Canada in 2014. I continued seeking art & craft activities on the side with regular life struggles and lastly during the Pandemic, I lost my job and choose to seek after my enthusiasm. My initial undertakings were Dot Mandala art where I was inspired by Spiritual Art. Through my initial artwork, I started to attract attention through social media platforms and sold my paintings there. I got encouragement from my loved ones which boost my confidence and soon. After that my journey of NJ Creator begain.

Origin of NJ Creator

I named money as NJ Creator (New Journey Creator) due to circumstances in my life. As I told you before, I lost my job in corona pandemic and I don’t have any work to do. That was the time when I first started making handmade spiritual dot mendola paintings as my career and my God and you all guys supported me a lot. From that day I made my new journey of my life and I set up my Business and named it NJ Creator

My first online platform

After that my journey of NJ Creator begain. I started my ETSY shop, where I started selling my works of art on the web. It has been an inconceivable excursion from that point forward. I have done artistic creations for so many individuals and organizations so far. I have created over 100 designs and have sold my paintings in over 15 countries and 5 continentals. Other than Canada, a lot of my clientele originates from nations like the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain and Belgium etc.

My major area of Art is spiritual, I am also specialized in the creation of Evil eye artworks which is existing from the old Greece and the Rome empires.


We don’t know where we'll be in a week or in a month. We do what we want for as long as we want, always trying out new experiences.