Chakra Pyramid D1
Chakra Pyramid D1
To Re-Balance Body Chakras are made of multiple Gemstones and a combination of these stones is called Chakra
stones(Chakra Pyramid D1). Each Color of stone represents one energy chakra of the body.
Key Benefits:-
- It Helps to Balance chakras in the body
- It helps with concentration and Meditation
- It helps to remove the energy blockage and let it flow
- Save from Nazar or Evil Glares and Brings Good Luck
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Importance of Chakra Pyramid D1-
Chakra Pyramid D1 accessories are designed to balance seven chakras, which are said to be energy centers used for
centuries by Indian and Eastern cultures. Each of seven stones or charms in different colours or designs represents one of
the chakras – Crown, Third Eye, Heart, Solar, Plexus, Sacral and Root.
Chakra Tree relies on the power of gemstones or crystals. These Trees use stones with particular energy properties to
subtly change the owner. Positive energy emanates from each of the stones and re-balances the chakras. It is best to
keep at the place where you meditate.
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Importance of Chakra Pyramid D1;-
*Chakra Pyramid D1 (chakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body.
*They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of
nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.
*Many stories of wondrous healing have their roots in the realignment of chakras. You’ve probably heard the word
chakra, in a yoga session or perhaps seen it referred to in soulful literature.
*The understanding of Chakra Pyramid D1 goes back Millenia, embedded in South Asian Ayurvedic health systems.
*It takes a truly enlightened embodiment of truth however, to wake us up to why it’s so important to take these
fundamental support systems seriously.
*Why do we use chakra Gemstones?
*“The answer is, to get optimal health, fix the chakra first and your disease will disappear almost 80 percent.”
Here are some Properties of Chakra:-
Wear the stones as jewellery over the chakra locations.
Meditate with the stones.
Keep a stone in your pocket or on your person.
Add them to your bath water.
Sleep with the stone under your pillow or next to your bed.
Importance of Prayer According to Shree Guru Granth Sahib Ji
*This likely is because the topic is controversial: for religious people, applying quantified measures to the effects of prayer
sounds blasphemous. Similarly, for secular ones, it appears to be legitimizing
superstition and a largely moot effort.
*The situation is in no way made easier when academic publications are considered.
*As per the Sikh Code of Conduct, Sikhs are only required to recite Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, & the Ten Sawayyas in the
*Many Sikhs, including those who follow the lifestyle of the Damdami Taksal & AKJ, believe that Chaupai Sahib & Anand
Sahib are also required in the morning prayers.
*The results of existing experimental studies of the efficacy of intercessory prayer (praying on behalf of others) in
medicine are often criticized for their design from all positions: see, for instance,
*Prayer isn’t just closing your eyes, folding your hands and speaking. Prayer is a much more meaningful part of religion.
We all need to pray, God himself demands us to pray.
*The Siri Singh Sahib used to say that the only real power a human has is the power of his or her prayer.
*What is prayer? It is when the finite being speaks to the Infinite from the heart and soul, asking for help, guidance, or
healing. And the Infinite listens
*Prayer is defined as an act of God, a god or another object of worship, such as in devotion, confession, praise, or
Benefits Of Prayer According to Shree Guru Granth Sahib Ji
- 1. It provides a communication links to a higher authority brings a wider spiritual vision, higher conciousness, greater tolerance and understanding.
- 2. It makes one humble; the person realises that in all of God’s creation, they are only a very tiny speck.
- 3. One becomes more concious of the enormous expanse of God’s creation and so appreciates the reality of life in a much wider framework.
- 4. It brings one closer to our spiritual leaders, the Gurus.
- 5. The mind is focused away from purely material and carnal pursuits.
- 6. It helps and encourages the person keeps away from sin and bad deeds.
- 7. It promotes the person to move away from negative company and bad habits.
- 8. Anger, Lust, Pride, Attachment and Greed will diminish in the person who prays regularly.
- 9. As per Gurbani, it will cure all ills “ਬਿਰਥੀ ਕਦੇ ਨ ਹੋਵਈ ਜਨ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ॥ Birthī kaḝe na hova▫ī jan kī arḝĝs. The prayer of the Devotee is never unfulfilled.” (SGGS p 819) It makes one healthy and happy.
- 10 Spiritual improvement: The person who spends time in the presence of God will change for the better.
- Ardas. The congregation then stands with eyes closed facing the Guru Granth Sahib for prayer (Ardas). During the prayer the word Waheguru (Punjabi for ‘praise to the Guru’) is often repeated.
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If you are purchasing multiple items along with this product. In that case, your order will be shipped when all the items
are ready. Processing time will be considered for the item that has the longest processing time.Chakra Pyramid D1
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